Leeds, UK
+44 (0) 7856 039915

35 Years of Innovation in Business

Leadership across multiple industry sectors and markets.

A quick intro …

I’m a curious, inquisitive and very creative leader with strategic vision and significant experience of turning raw ideas into products, services and new businesses.
My experience includes several corporates, start-ups, business and project turnarounds both in the UK and internationally. If I’m new to your industry or market I’ll apply significant focus to understand the relevant industry technologies, products, dynamics and players. 

I’m currently available to help your business in a number of ways and roles – from consultancy to interim and also long-term.

Interim Management Roles

I’m experienced in delivering value in a variety of leadership roles including CTO, COO and CEO.

If you have a short term need to solve a particular problem ot exploit an opportunity then I’d be delighted to come in and take on the challenge until its solved or until you’ve had time to recruit a permanent person for the role.


If you need a fresh vision on a problem or help identtifying or exploiting an opportunity then let’s have a chat.  I bring experience, vision and clarity.

Even if you aren’t entirely sure where you need help, I’ll work with you and your team to get to the root cause of the problem or identify opportunities and how to exploit them.

Permanent/Long Term

For the right role I will consider long-term or permanent assignments in positions where I can clearly add value to your existing or new business.

Call me to discuss – I enjoy a challenge!

Some starting places

I’ve been in senior leadership roles for most of my career and, within the tech industry, that has meant I’ve been exposed to diverse range of fast-paced opportunities. I enjoy a challenge and tended to pick those career opportunties that exposed me to difficult, but educational, situations.  I have a very strategic perspective and have had significant C-Suite experience in roles matched to the need at that time.


Start ups exist in a space with a high level of ‘unknowns’ with so much to do on many fronts. Failure is common at this stage but success can be improved with an experienced and flexible team with great leaders who have done it before and know where the bear traps are.

I have helped take a number of businesses through these stages – call me to chat about your own situation.


Businesses are rarely in a ‘steady state’ – the world is increasinly fast-page resulting in opportunities for growth or, sadly, decline.

Creating better outcomes for these two situations requires experience, great communication and versatility.

The nature of the tech industry creates many examples across both of these situations and I’ve been there to drive & support them both. 

Call me to discuss how I can help you have a successful scale-up or a avoid or reduce the impact of a scale down to your team or shareholders.


Things go wrong for many reasons but solutions always require the honesty to undetstand the root causes.  What follows needs a high level of creativity, motivation and teamwork across the project or business to rescue the situation.  There is a real need to manage a wider range of stakeholders and communicate effectvely with them – they are likely to be able to help the process.

I bring experince, creativity and personal drive to make significant contribitions in these situations. Call me to discuss your needs and see if I can help.


We’re arguably in the fourth industrial revolution – characterised by speed of change, complexity anf the need to pivot businesses at a faster pace.

Businesses can no long hope to get by in the way the used to – they need higher levels of agility and innivation. 

Based on my years in highly collaboratuve and innovative environments I developed my own approach to solving this need – I called it ‘Idea Mining’. Talk to me about how you can benefit from this apptoach.

Call me for an initial conversation to see if I can help your business or organisation. +44 (0) 7856 039915

Operational Areas

As a woman with a natural zest for entreprenuership I’ve worked in many different areas of business ranging from corporate thru’ start-ups, scale-ups and shrink-downs!  This experience has help me build value in four key areas:


Identifying the most appropriate blend of technologies and architectures to create an effective soltution – across aerospace, consumer and B2B markets. In areas where the technolgies are new, I quickly apply my experience and innovative mindset to work with others to identify the best approaches to technology solutions.


Having worked in ooen collaboration long befote it was a ‘thing’ I developed my own model I named ‘Idea Mining’ to help teams and corportions to introduce greater agility in their businesses to help them thrive in the 4th Industrial Revolutiin.


Innovation results from an open mindset coupled with collaboration and insights gained from having a global perpective. 

Over the years I’ve been respinsible for over forty major innovations and started and/or scaled businesses with a fovus on continuous innovation. 


Having great ideas is great but th value is in turning those ideas into new products, services or businesses. 


Immediate Relief from Anxiety

There are over 280 million sufferers of chronic anxiety disorders – it’s likely you already know someone who is suffering from this condition.

Existing treatments were insufficient for their needs soI lead the development of a smart wearable device to fill this gap. This product used bio-sensing, machine learning and proven approaches to deliver therapy to sufferers within seconds – no matter where they are or when they need it. It exploit IoT technology to connect sufferers with caregivers and therapists. For more on the Therawatch visit here


We looked at the global research for immediate anxiett relief that could be packaged into a small wearable. We identifird a multi-modal approach that could offer relief in almost any ‘real life’ situation


We exploited an open collaboration approach to incolve therapists, academics and tech experts to create a highly functional solution focused on one thing only – therapy.


As a potentially medically-classsified product we worked to ISO standards to meet the needs of reliability, safety and utility.


The product is designed and ready for MVP production and beta test pending investment for the next stage. see www.hush.today .


Major restructuring

Corporate Network Services were a software solutions company developing global systems on IBM technology. Whilst I was Systems Integration Director we  developed a unique knowledge management system and decided to float the company through an IPO to raise the funds to exploit the opportunity.  I became Chief Operating Officer and, prior to the IPO, I completely restructured the business from service-centric to product-centric for which I received a northern business award. This put the comoany onto a ‘scale-up’ trajectory.


As part of this multifaceted business I was fully involved in setting the technical direction – including innovating a new system to control software access whih allowed for an eary form of a ‘Software as a Service (SaaS’ model


Whilst being the COO was a challenging task, my consultancy background was useful to help identify product direction and innovations required to meet the client needs identified in the consulting projects.


Knowledge management was still in its embryonic stage so I developed a consulting model to help the sales and delivery consultants perform their roles more effectively.


I was responsible for integrating businesses acquired post IPO to strengthen the product and service offer.

Some Other Past Projects

A sample of some of the work I’ve done in the past…

COE plc were having majot problems with a multi-million pound project in Singapore. As Interim CTO I took ownership of seeking resolutuon to multiple project adf stakeholder communication problems resuling in the project becoming a success with a happy clien.


COE plc

Kildwick was a business I created to meet the needs of an emerging market in off-grid living. The business name became synonymous with the product type and was scaled to meet the needs of this growth sector.  The business was later sold to a german company.

Many innovations were introduced which delivered an excellent product range.



With the global pandrmic cam a wave of additional sufferers of chronic anxeity disorder. As CTO I lead the development of a new type of smartwatch designed to deliver anxiety relief at the point of need.
The watch was an IoT device with cloud based updates and links to carergivers and therapists.



Pera are an international Management Consultancy fovused on Manufacturing Industries. As a Principle Consultant I worked on a range of projects including impriving the ROCE of multinational companies, leadership training and working with the MOD to help improve the way they ran peacetime operations.


Pera Consulting

I worked with the Natwest Bank doing risk assessment of client businesses as part of their business loans division. The rol required market, technology and opertional review and analysis.


Natwest Bank

I was part of the joint-venture Dupont-Fuji operation offering technology consultancy and design skills for the develoment of high resolution printing systems.  Tne role involved design engineering, product concept development and international consulting


Dupont Fuji

An early career project where I was working on military aerospace systems and developed an innovative ‘Built in Test’ systems to help system’s managementt software to identify faults and their locatins.


Smiths Aerospace

Hartford Steam Boiler Company are an insurance business that wanted to enter the semiconductor manufacturing insuramce market. My role was to investigate the martket for them and highlight the technologies, costs and risks associated with the industry. 


HSB Munich Re

COE plc were having majot problems with a multi-million pound project in Singapore. As Interim CTO I took ownership of seeking resolutuon to multiple project adf stakeholder communication problems resuling in the project becoming a success with a happy clien.


COE plc

International Exposure

Throughout most of my career I’ve had international focus and exposure. These are the countries/regions in which I have work experience.

United Kingdon

Product design, project direction, business & project turnarounds, CTO, COO, CPO, CEO


Product design consulting

South Africa

Technology consulttancy and support for IBM projects


Interim CTO and project turnarounds


Project turnarounds and product sales


Project turnarounds, B2B and B2B sales


Technical consultancy, B2B and B2C sales


Putting in pace business partnerships

Other Global

B2B & B2C sales